Lincoln, a great and reassured man

On his first day in office, as President “Abraham Lincoln” entered the
Senate to give his inaugural address,

One man stood up. He was a rich aristocrat.

He said, “Mr. Lincoln, you should not forget that your father used to make
shoes for my family.”

And the whole Senate laughed; they thought they had made a fool of
Certain people are made of a totally different mettle.

“Lincoln” looked at the man directly in the eye and said,

“Sir, I know that my Father used to make shoes for your family, and there
will be many others here,

Because he made shoes the way nobody else can.
He was a creator. His shoes were not just shoes; he poured his whole
soul into them.

I want to ask you, have you any complaint?

Because I know how to make shoes myself.

If you have any complaint I can make you another pair of shoes.

But as far as I know, nobody has ever complained about my father’s shoes.

He was a genius, a great creator and I am proud of my Father”.

The whole Senate was struck dumb.

They could not understand what kindof man “Abraham Lincoln” was.

He was proud because his Father did his job so well that not even a single
complaint had ever been heard.

“No one can hurt you without your consent.

It is not what happens to us that hurts us.

It is our response that hurts us”

Best sermons are lived;not preached


Should the US intervene in Syria

They say insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result. That aptly applies to our government’s(at least some parts of the govt.) intention to intervene in Syria. I have written to my 2 senators and my representative to vote for no intervention.
First, there are no national security issues involved. Syria nor Syrians have attacked the homeland nor have threatened to. The only “national security” issue is it’s proximity to Israel.
We are not the world’s police. Recently, wherever we have tried to be the police, we’ve been accused of police brutality. Instead of thank you cards we’ve gotten more hostility. Plus, it’s not like we have an endless supply of money.
The President says we have to intervene to stand up for international conventions and laws. One of those laws is that one country may not attack another without UN sanction unless to defend itself.
Also, do we know who we are helping? Who is to say that if the opposition unseats Assad, that they won’t carry out a revenge killing spree worse than the current one. Will we go back to reinstate Assad?
The only real reason to even consider intervention is the moral or humanitarian. The images we see are really horrific. But there are a lot of countries where, by the leaders’ acts of commission or omission, a lot of people suffer and die. Are we to send our armies to a dozen African countries and a few Asian ones. It seems cruel to turn our faces but it’s insanity entering headlong into a conflict for which there is no easy solution.
I hope other people express their opinions regarding this issue.
shoeb amin