‘The Uncomfortable Reason Why It Came To This In Dallas’ by Leon Wolf

(This has been a summer of blood shed, from bloodiest month of Rmadan to bloody racial discord, and it is hard to wraparound shell shocked mind and arms around these soul piercing events which have taken a life of their own.This blunt article by Leon Wolf deals with bloody racial discord and removes the scab from a wound which all of us are aware of its smoldering painful presence, but do nothing to heal it.f.sheikh)

“As the child of white parents who grew up in the rural panhandle of Texas, I was taught that police were there to help, any time I had a problem I should go to them. I should always follow their orders and show them the utmost respect. No one is more important and helpful to your community than the police.

Now imagine, for a minute, that your parents instead grew up as black people in the 50s or 60s in one of the many areas where police were often the agents of – let’s call it what it was – white oppression. How might that have changed, for understandable reasons, the way not only those people but also their children and their children’s children interact with the police? More importantly, how might it impact the belief that police will ever be held accountable for abuses of their power?”

I think the evidence would show that the vast majority of police do their jobs with the greatest professionalism possible. I don’t think that’s a sufficient answer to the reality of lingering mistrust between police and minority communities, especially in certain areas of the country. And the proliferation of cell phone video recording has really confirmed (in their minds) something they have long anecdotally believed or been taught – that police often interact with minority communities in different ways than they do with the white community.

And here’s the most important part: when they do so, they never or almost never face punishment.

Look, I don’t know. I don’t want to rush to judgment on either the Baton Rouge shooting or the Falcon Heights shooting, but based upon what we have seen, they look bad. Very bad. They look, at least at first glance, to confirm a lot of biases that people have. They look like a scenario that has played out all too often that the white community either doesn’t believe ever happens (or at least believes is at most a freak occurrence) and minority communities believe is a systemic occurrence. And they look, most importantly, like many other scenarios in which officers have skated either scot free or with a slap on their wrist.

And here is the important point and the point I have been trying to make with this excessively wordy post. The most important safety valve to prevent violence like we saw in Dallas last night is the belief that when officers do go off the rails, the legal system will punish them accordingly. If minority communities (and everyone else, for that matter) believed that, resort to reprisal killings would be either non existent or far less frequent.

click here for full article

posted by f.sheikh

One thought on “‘The Uncomfortable Reason Why It Came To This In Dallas’ by Leon Wolf

  1. Such incidents, though tragic but are quite common everywhere. We certainly expect America to be far better than the third world. I don’t know what reforms the politicians are talking about but if I had to put in my two cents, I would suggest that the method of intervention by police (a traffic violation or a snap check) should be changed so that police officers don’t have to approach the suspect ,or driver, and making themselves vulnerable. Police should order using megaphone/loudspeaker for the occupants of cars to come out instead of waiting with hands on the steering wheel, All activity should be in front of the cameras on police cars. Its the nervousness of the police officer (rightly so) that results in the defensive reflex action firing of the gun. Police officers should be trained to be respectful so that scene doesn’t turn ugly and offensive. Its not easy for police dealing with drunk or impaired drivers and if their commands are not obeyed then police should disable the vehicle or block the vehicle until the driver is subdued and back up police arrives. Instead of using real guns police should first use tranquilizers like dealing with wild animals.

    I don’t have to repeat how drivers should comply with orders of the police (for their own safety) as the classes given to student drivers prior to licensing are very detailed and impressive.

    Police officers should never be let off the hook if they are found using excessive force.

    Responsibility of resolving a situation peacefully falls on both sides and certainly greater responsibility falls on the one with a gun.


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