3 thoughts on “How Muslims Can Win America’s Heart

  1. I read the article and the advice is sound – know your own history – stop referring to crusades by Christians only or calling Hindus Idolaters, don’t hold back criticism of atrocities by Muslim extremists like Al-Shabab, Boko Haram and ISIS, renounce calls for imposition of shariah on Non- Muslims in Muslim countries (write in newspapers publicly to condemn), adopt majority tradition of keeping one’s faith at home and not ask for prayer break (prayer can be delayed).
    I have one additional suggestion; love America – and America will love you back. Honestly speaking we all can narrate the stigma of slavery, lynchings and hegemony of America in great detail but don’t acknowledge the great things America has done for the world and mankind. I took a tour of Capital Hill and fell in love with American history and I recommend every one should take that detailed tour. I am looking for an opportunity to visit Cape Canaveral. Visiting national parks like Yellowstone, visiting Grand Canyon is on my bucket list, Appalachian trail is already being discovered by me and on every hike I fall in love with America.
    Having traveled around the globe on ships for about twenty years I can tell with great confidence that America truly is a great country to live in. There is some discrimination but every where else situation is much worse and the daily dealings with American people and government departments is so much better here and at least we all know that.


    • Do the Muslims understand each other that they should try to win the hearts of the Western folks. It is only a “Man of Heart” who can love and win the heart of every one. The more one is intellectual the more he finds differences, amongst his own people as well as other races, colors, religions and ideologies.

      میں تو بے قراریِ جاں بھی بیان کرہی دیتا
      جو جنونِ عشق میں دل میرا دماغ ہوتا


  2. To recognize differences for study is a virtue and constructive. To exploit these differences for crass and bloody political purposes is damnable and destructive. Muslim socieities today are increasingly infected with the destructive virus that is destroying entire countries at the levels not seen since the Mongols. This largely self inflicted exercise has no place for the “Man of Heart” or the ordinary man. It is sheer nihilism.

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