‘Losing Middle Class Jobs and Owning Technology’ By Dean Baker

Is lengthy intellectual property protection the main culprit for loss of the middle class jobs? It is a thought provoking article shared by Zafar Khizer. 

A widely held view of the economy is that technology is destroying middle class jobs. The argument is that we use to have all these relatively high paying jobs in manufacturing and other sectors requiring routinized work, which are now being displaced by machines, or in the near future, robots. Pretty soon robots will also be driving our cars, busses, and trucks, as the technology for self-driving vehicles becomes cost efficient.

The result of the loss of these jobs is supposed to be a shortage of jobs for workers without sophisticated skills. This means that more workers will be fighting for a rapidly shrinking number of jobs, leading to more unemployment and underemployment and lower pay. On the other hand, the folks who develop and therefore own the technology will be getting rich.

That sounds like a pretty bad story, at least from the standpoint of inequality. The loss of middle class jobs means that fewer people will be in a position where they can comfortably raise a family. From this perspective, we may try to redistribute income to help out the losers, but the underlying problem is technology, and no one wants to try to stop the development of technology.

The evidence for this story is actually quite weak. Productivity growth has been very slow in recent years, the exact opposite of robots taking all our jobs. Also,the data contradict the story of disappearing middle class jobs, as opposed to weak job growth overall. But the basic theory behind the argument is even weaker. The problem with the theory is that government policy, not technology, determines what it means to “own” the technology.

This point should be straightforward. Technology is simply knowledge. No one inherently owns knowledge. The government gives ownership of technology through patent or copyright monopolies or other forms of intellectual property. These monopolies allow individuals or corporations to sue anyone who uses technology without their permission. Patent infringers can pay large fines and even face jail if they persist.

It is this protection that allows those with sophisticated skills to get rich from technology. It is not the technology itself. If we envision robots doing everything in a world without intellectual property, then robots would be incredibly cheap. After all, robots will be producing robots. Robots will be making and driving the trucks that deliver robots, as well as loading and unloaded the trucks.

This means that for a few dollars we should all be able to buy ourselves robots that will clean our house, wash our clothes, cook our meals, mow our loans, and do any other necessary task that we would rather not do ourselves. They should even be able to grow fruit and vegetables for us in our backyard.

In this story, because everything is now so cheap, real wages might skyrocket. We all should be able to put in just a few hours of work a week or month to pay for our robots which will then take care of just about all of our needs.

But the folks arguing that technology will increase inequality obviously have a different vision of the future. They expect that we will have long and strong intellectual property laws that will allow them to charge high prices for the robots and thereby makes lots of money for themselves. And, they actively work to ensure that we have strong protection for intellectual property.

We have been treated to an excellent example of such efforts in the final negotiating rounds for the Trans-Pacific Partnership. According to news accounts, one of the last major sticking points was the number of years that pharmaceutical companies could claim for exclusive control over the test data they used to establish a drug’s safety and effectiveness. The United States insisted on the longest possible period. Another sticking point was that the United States insistence that the other TPP countries extend the length of copyright monopolies to 70 years.

In both of these cases the explicit intent is to redistribute money from the bulk of the population to those who own these intellectual property rights. Of course this redistribution is justified with an argument about incentives, but that doesn’t change the fact that is an upward redistribution of income engineered by the government.


posted by f. sheikh

One thought on “‘Losing Middle Class Jobs and Owning Technology’ By Dean Baker

  1. The article mentions copyrights, which is usually for 70-90 years, but omits the patent protection which is usually 17-20 years. The article is about technology and patent protection is more relevant than copyrights. Reducing the time of patent protection will make technology and other products cheaper,increase productivity and low inflation but it is a long stretch to say that it will solve the problem of current declining wages and un-employment. More readily available cheaper technology will further reduce the need of labor and technology’s benefits alone will not be enough to make up for the lost of living wages and jobs. Most of the jobs lost by technology are replaced by service sector jobs at minimum wages which are not enough no matter how low the inflation is.

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