Turban Religion

Turban Religion

This poem is written by Mr. Adil Khan


We don’t tolerate/respect other religions,

But we tolerate/respect all color Turbans,

How strange that Turban is valued more,

Then people having different religions.

Kafir don’t wear Turban,therefore he is Kafir.

If Kafir wear Turban he become good,

Then goodness is not by being good,

Then goodness is by color of Turban.

When good and bad is by Turban,

Then saint and sinner is by Turban,

When good and bad is by deeds,

Then saint and sinner is by deeds.

When we go by Turban, then evil can be saint,

When we go by deeds, then Turban is evil,

What we value shows what is our Religion,

If we value Turban than evil is our Religion.

If Turban is our religion than Muslims are Kafirs,

If Islam is our religion than Turban is Kafir,

If we call ourselves Muslims because of Turban,

Then Devil can call himself Muslim by wearing Turban.

Just like different Religion divide humanity,

Similarly, different color Turbans divide same religion,

Just like most of the external wars are because of Religions,

Similarly, most of the internal hostilities are because of different Turbans.

When heart religion is religion of humanity/people,

Then all scripture religions become one and same(loving),

When Islam is religion of all Muslims,

Then Muslims are not divided by different color Turbans.

When Religion become one than all humanity become one,

When Islam become one than all Muslims become one,(Than all Pakistanies become one)

Till we have different religions we fight externally,

Till we have different color Turbans we fight internally.

5 thoughts on “Turban Religion

  1. If ‘Truban Religion’ is a poem then it becomes important for us to first know, “What is poetry”:

    William Wordsworth, in the Preface to his Lyrical Ballads, defines poetry as: “The spontaneous outflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.”
    Emily Dickinson says, “If I read a book, and it makes my whole body so cold no fire ever can warm me, I know that is ‘poetry.’ If I fee physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.”

    The Form of Poetry: Poetry is one of the most common vehicles for expressing wisdom and cultural knowledge throughout human history. When words are strung together like pearls on a golden chain of rhyme and rhythm, they float much more easily into the heart and mind than mere lecturing. When weighty message is carried on the gentle stream of a poem, it’s unthreatening, easy to remember, and a delight to hear. We are in fact creatures attuned to poetry! A poet can’t impose his will on the muse. That’s why it’s so important that one should write, write and regularly keep writing, keep reworking the drafts, and experimenting in writing. (Mirza Ashraf)

    Poetry and the Sacred Experience: The elastic nature of poetry is better suited to the sacred experience, relaying the truth of the experience without attempting to circumscribe it. The experience of spiritual ecstasy is not easily conveyed through words. The state is too all-encompassing, too immense for descriptive prose. Poetry and mysticism, the two universal languages of the human soul, enrich each other and inter-enfold, delivering poignant messages of love that touch us intimately. The metaphors of sacred poetry are often spontaneous. The sacred experience is beyond word and form, yet the limited mind, in trying to understand what it is witnessing, reflexively reinterprets the experience in terms of the world known to the senses. (from Chaikhan web).

  2. Correction:
    In the quote by Emily Dickinson, please see a correction and it reads as, “If I read a book, and it makes my whole body so cold no fire ever can warm me, I know that is ‘poetry.’ If I feel (not fee) physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.”

  3. There are different forms of expressing our emotions, wisdom, feelings etc putting things in one way is hole mentality. Rule has only one way of doing things as rule/other dictate.

    Whereas truth has thousands of ways to express itself its whole mentality. Thersfore one should not cage oneself in prison of rules but free itself by expressing truth in any away one can (That is why it is said,Know the truth and truth shall make you free whereas know the rules and rules will make you unfree).

    If you don’t want to call it a poetry than don’t call it call it prose or whatever but for godsake grow from them if they have some insight/idea, don’t reject things by labelling them this or that that is narrow/hole mentality,regardless its poetry or prose because as the saying,” Rose called by any name is still a rose.” That is why SirSyed spoke the truth not rule when he saidsaid,” Don’t see who is saying see what he is saying.” I think you are seeing who is saying and not what is said because you follow rules not truth

    Rules are body way of doing things because body lack its own mind and therefore uses others mind. Body has only one way of doing things and that is rule way and all other ways are wrong. Whereas truth has many ways of doing things that is why truth is free

    In short those who use rules don’t think themselves they get their thinking from rules,things, people except from themselves/inside/heart. Whereas those who follow truth/heart get their thinking from inside/heart, that is why they are free. That is why they don’t care its prose or poetry they grow.

    Thoreau said this on rules, “Any fool can make a rule and every fool follows it.” That is why those who follow truth/heart don’t follow rules whereas those who lack truth follow rules and senses instead of truth and heart(Heart is senses of soul. Senses are heart of body).

    Body follow rules soul follow truth. Disreali says,”Laws are useless. Pure man don’t need them. Impure man don’t follow them. ” Therefore I will say follow truth and be free,follow rules and stay unfree. Bye

  4. Mr. Adil, you are a good writer and has a lot of potential. With all due respect I have to add following;
    The purpose of using any vehicle- whether poetry, prose or art- is to convey one’s thoughts or imaginations to other individuals. Whether one agrees or not, your above writing conveyed your thoughts and even anger very well, but your poetry did not. You can get angry at the critics, but the bottom line is this- if you like to convey your thoughts in a best possible way, then either use the vehicle you are good at,and continue to improve it, or if you like some other vehicle , then get good at that vehicle.
    The purpose of rules of any of these vehicles is also the same-to convey one’s thoughts, imaginations and ideas in a best possible way.
    I am not even good at writing English prose, but I try hard to improve it. When I write something and it comes out perfect in grammar and other aspects, that piece of writing always conveys my thoughts better, is more powerful and effective.
    One should neither be harsh on critics nor runaway from them, because they are your best friend and push you to get better.

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