A critical comment on 2012 American Elections

Mirza I Ashraf’s comments on 2012 American Elections


In the present elections why Romney lost and Obama won, there is no secret other than the rapidly changing time and human being’s approach. Human vision and intellectualism is being replaced by the modern IT and cybernetic communication. We have seen how in the Middle East, where until yesterday God’s Vision and Supreme intellect has been at the core of people’s heart and mind, today things are changing. I did not find any streak of intellectualism in the debates of both the candidates. Obama won because of a different face and a cultural impact as compared to the traditional imprints of Romney. I have compared the vision of intellectualism with the emerging way of the coming time in the following two shers. The first one is from my Ghazal and the second one is a parody of the same but a fact worth noticing.

(vision of an intellectual)
نگہِ جستجو ہے جہاں پڑے دلِ مضطرب میں تڑپ اُٹھے
یہاں ذرہ ذرہ نقاب ہے اسے دیدہ ور کی تلاش ہے

Wherever the searching eye falls a lightening rises in the restless mind and heart
here every particle of dust is cover [of hidden knowledge] which is looking for a man of vision.

(this is the way we are going to be)
مری فرسٹ فنگر سے کی دبے دلِ لیپ ٹاپ کلک کرے

جونہی گوگل سرچ کی ویب کھلے تو ملے وہ جسکی تلاش ہے

My first finger presses a key, [and] the heart of lap top clicks. As Google search web opens then find whatever is sought.


2 thoughts on “A critical comment on 2012 American Elections

  1. I agree that Obama won because of different face and cultural impact, but he assembled formidable election machinery and Romney was no match for it. Romney got about sixty percent of the white vote, same as Bush , but Obama was able to assemble the coalition of blacks, Hispanics, Asians and women to beat Romney. This coalition of minorities has future implications for the country. These minorities were scared of the Republican Party, Mr. Romney and extremists like Rush Limbah, Norquist, Fox Machinery and overwhelmingly voted for Obama. Whether any future Democrat will be able to repeat it, remains to be seen, but Republican Party’s dependency on White Supremacy is waning!

  2. In addition, I like to add that people finally realized that candidate Romney is not an honest person. He is afraid to disclose his IRS tax files as he hides his money in tax shelters overseas, and lies in public on just about every major national issue. He was timid to denounce any Republican in Congress or talk show media personalities for making derogatory comments to women. When he thought it was safe to open up to rich white audience in a fund raising event at the Florida mansion, he told them 47% of the US population will not vote for him as they like entitlements and prefer to receive dole from the Govt. Obviously, this includes all veterans, retirees, and unemployed. I watched the two hour long NPR documentary on Obama and Romney in late October and the contrast in their upbringing, values and beliefs is on the opposite spectrum. It was scary to know that Romney honestly believes, it is the will of God that he should become president of USA and live in the White House, as America is the chosen land according to his faith.

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