History of Knowledge-Explosions — Part III Contribution of Muslim Thinkers By Mirza Ashraf


Knowledge multiplies by the principle of reciprocity ~ Ashraf

History of Knowledge-Explosions — Part III

Contribution of Muslim Thinkers


ABSTRACT: Though Islamic theology had stemmed from a base different from the Greek traditions, the Greek philosophy in what it could do and explain proved a temptation hard to resist for the Muslim thinkers. Using the language and culture of their religion, Muslims started exploring and explaining ideas and arguments of Greek thought which were agreeable to Islamic view. History of knowledge in Islam begins from 610 when Muhammad received the first revelation of his Prophethood, “Iqra: [meaning read]” followed by knowledge inspiring Qur’anic verses like, “My Lord increase me in knowledge,” and emphasizing philosophically, “Call [mankind] onto the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair exhortation, and reason [argue] with them in the better way,” invited intellectual cognition leading to philosophical discussions and scientific investigations. According to Islam, the faculty of reason in human beings is an innate ability granted to human beings so that they may direct their instincts in subordination to it. Islam maintains that reason is the voice of God and submission to His voice is submission to reason. Commanded by the Qur’an to seek knowledge and read nature for signs of the Creator, the Arabs who were illiterate and knowledge hungry, inspired by the treasure trove of Classical Greek philosophical and scientific knowledge, created a golden age that can count among its credits the precursor to modern sciences. With Divine inspiration and the quest for knowledge, the intellectual meeting of the Arabs with the powerful Greek philosophy and science, proved to be one of the greatest events in the history of knowledge.

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One thought on “History of Knowledge-Explosions — Part III Contribution of Muslim Thinkers By Mirza Ashraf

  1. Inclusivity is one of the main engines of progress. Acceptance of other ideas and
    knowledge was a quality that helped drive Muslim advances in the Middle Ages and
    beyond from Baghdad to Spain to Constantinople to the Mughals in India. These
    empires faltered for a variety of reasons. The demise was hastened by the spread of

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