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ABSTRACT: Psychologists believe, black means power and control. Black is the absorption of all colors. It is the absence of light. Black hides, while white brings to light. What black covers, white uncovers. Black is also the end; but the end always implies a new beginning. The color black relates to the hidden, the secretive and the unknown, and as a result it creates an air of mystery. It keeps things bottled up inside, hidden from the world. Black absorbs negative energy. In color psychology this color gives protection from external emotional stress. It creates a barrier between itself and the outside world, providing comfort, protecting emotions and feelings, hiding vulnerabilities, insecurities and lack of self confidence. Black is unapproachable because of the power it exudes. It does not display any other color, is unitary, and prevents dual communication as opposed to the white which can display many colors. However, when the light appears, black disappears and becomes white, the color of new beginnings. Overall, The color black represents mystery, because  black is the unknown. It is secretive, keeping a lot buried inside, unwilling to show its real feelings.Black is power and control of the self and others. It creates fear and intimidation. It is related that people appearing before the Ka’aba are often struck by awe at the very first sight of Ka’aba’s majesty in its black robe. Many over whelmed with emotions, start crying, shedding tears, and begin to recite Takbir invoking the Majesty of Almighty Allah.



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