Ask A Question

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40 thoughts on “Ask A Question

  1. What is the definition of ‘definition’?
    If you think the question does not make any sense, please say so.
    Thinkers’ Forum USA needs intellectual interactions.

  2. A definition is a description that explains the meaning of a word, phrase or term.

  3. DEFINING DEFINITION: Definition is specification of the meaning or, alternatively, conceptual content of an expression. For example, “period of fourteen days” is a definition of “fortnight.” Other examples are:
    1. In the definition of FATHER IS A MALE PARENT, father is the expression that in giving a definition is defined and a male parent is expression that gives the definition.
    2. In the definition of A HUMAN BEING IS A RATIONAL ANIMAL, human being is the expression that in giving a definition is defined; and rational animal is the expression that gives the definition.

    Definitions have traditionally been judged by certain rules as:
    (a) A definition should not be too narrow.
    (b) A definition should not be too broad
    (c) Defining expression in definition should exactly match the degree of vagueness of the expression.
    (d) A definition should not be circular.

    Definitions fall into many kinds such as (i) Contextual definition. (ii) Coordinative definition. (iii) Explicit definition. (iv) Implicit definition. (v) Nominal definition. (vi) Ostensive definition. (vii) Persuasive definition. (viii) Precising definition. (ix) Real definition. (x) Recursive definition. (xi) Stipulative definition.

    [Source: The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy]

  4. Definition is the explation of a term which is most widely accepted and understood.
    The only other way to explain is “contexual definition”which is restrictive and has
    its own parameter.


  5. Definition vary,s from person to person as he or she tries to explain. One can explain things in few words while others may like to write pages after pages with different versions. Life is gift to enjoy and I believe let it be as one likes to face.

  6. New Question; A hole is made from one end of Earth Globe, passing through the center of the earth and coming out at the other end of globe. A baseball ball is thrown in this hole, where will it stop ?

  7. a theoretical question, considering that it will be destroyed by the heat at a certain depth(if such a hole could ever be dug). but assuming the baseball can survive, maybe somewhere beyond the center. ? maximum gravity at center but the velocity may carry it beyond the center. that’s from my poor physics.

  8. Good thinking but not correct answer. It is a gravity and velocity question. You are right we should assume that ball will not be affected by heat.


  9. A good question. I think the answer is very simple. Assum such a hole is big enough to let a ball go without any resistance. Now assume that only gravity is playing force besides the energy used to throw the ball. Now assume again one ball is thrown from each side of the hole. Will the two balls collide in the center, if the balls are thrown at the same tme? i think so. What will hapen if only one ball is thrown? it will surely be dead in the center of the mass, where the gravity is enforcing the law of equilibrium. To throw the ball beyond the center, the ball must have enough volacity, and much more energy than used to get to the center. The gravity will remain a helping force until it reaches to the center.
    While exiting from the center, there may be a need for additional energy to compensate and counter the opposing force of gravity. The real question is what amount of force is needed to break the center of equilibrium .
    And then the gradual Increasing pull from one side and the resistance from the gradual decreasing gravity of the other side may alter the need for energy to exit at varying distance. At some point the gravity will increase against the exiting ball and additional energy will be needed as the pulling gravity of the opposit side is decreasing and the rsistance side of gravity is increasing. Computation of the amount of energy based on the weight of the ball can be computed. The management of such consumption wil be a challenge for physicsts and engineers.

  10. Let us assume that the only forces that are affecting the ball movement are Gravity and Velocity and no other force is playing any role- then what will be the answer. One person at the Thinkers Forum Meeting on April 27th came up with the right answer-of course that person was Noor Salik.

  11. What is religion : A set of beliefs or a tag for certain socio-cultural rituals?

  12. Religion is others truth. Truth is own religion. Truth come directly from heart. Religion come from outside. Body follow scripture religion. Soul follow heart religion.

    By scripture truth, each religion has it own God (Muslims have Allah, Christian have Lord, Hindus have Bhagwan/Ram etc). That is why each religion has its own truth,. Whereas by Heart, there is only one God and therefore one truth.

    That is why Heart Religion is universal religion it has oneness whereas scripture religion is regional. That is the reason Gandhi changed his views from God is truth to truth is God.

    By religion, love is regional, we love only those which our religion says and other are enemies of our religion, therefore of us and we call them Kafirs that is non believers.. By heart love is universal we love all. This saying represent heart religion,”Its ok to love your country but why to stop at the border.” This saying also represent universal religion, ” With or without religion good people act good and bad people act bad, but it takes religion to make good person do/act bad.”
    Which Benjamin Disraeli said like this,”Laws are useless pure men don’t need it impure men don’t obey it.”

    Religion is all rules, heart is all truth. Rules cannot be changed that is why scripture truth never change, we follow it by blind faith. Whereas heart truth change as we get more wiser/enlightened. Few examples of truth change but rules/religion stay same are as follows. Jinnah was taunted that he was in Congress once to which he replied,” Yes,” I was in primary school also once.” And Gandhi was reminded by reporter that his staement contradict his yesterday statement, to which he replied,” I get wiser every day. ” Ex Heavy Weight Boxer Mohd Ali said like this,” If we are same at age 40 which we were at age 20 then we wasted 20 years of our life.”

    By religion our truth never change we have to follow it by blind faith therefore we never grow/change. Whereas by heart religion our truth change all the time its not standstill therefore we grow/change

    Therefore I think right question to ask is, what is truth? Scripture religion is truth or heart speak the truth. Because by scripture religion we grow religion not ourselves, whereas by heart religion/truth we grow ourselves.

    By religion, God is truth and religion has veto power over truth. Whereas by heart, truth is God, it has veto power over scripture truth.

    Love for all hate for none,

  13. Origin of religion was most likely incidental to some one looking up to the sky and asking whoever to cause rain or stop a hurricane and it happened. The person was looked up to as holy and the unknown as rain or storm goddess/god.
    With time, and advent of the agricultural mode of production, women lost their primacy and goddesses were sidelined.
    With advances in scientific knowledge, causes of rain, storm and other natural phenomenon were discovered and gods were amalgamated into one unknowable God.

  14. Religion is the continual improvement of human character and behavior and inculcation of all human values. It is to transform an individual full of selfish desires into a hardworking,honest, just and helpful person. Belief and rituals if performed with right intentions must lead people to humanity.

  15. As a biological phenomenon, religion is the product of cognitive processes that have deep roots in our evolutionary and historical past. In its secular (as Buddhism), mythical (as Hinduism) and theological (as Biblical) manifestations, religious faith is alluring and seductive precisely because it is driven by propositions that bind or adhere the believer to a compelling set of ideas which satisfy rationally or spiritually that always obligate to practice and express through a medium. For religions this medium of expression is rituals which do reflect socio-cultural and geographical traditions. Thus religious faith is a package of belief and socio-cultural rituals.

    History is a crucial concept for religion, since the rationale for a particular religion may well be historical. For example, it is often argued by a religion that the truth of its doctrines lies in the facts of the past, and, were it not for those historical facts, that the religion would be unworthy of acceptance.

    In its modern context religion is not just a collection of beliefs and rituals, but, if properly understood, is a living technology for experiencing Divinity as well as a part of the answer to human being’s perennial question of “What is the meaning of life?”

  16. There is no concept of concepts at birth. That comes with age and mental development. Religion is force-fed by parents, clergy, clan and community. Hence it develops as an acquired compliance of rules and rituals, not as a concept duly analysed and understood. Analysis engages the mind with application of critical thinking and that is fatal for a belief system not based in logic and reasoning. Therefore, the technique is to catch them young, as young as new-borns, to make staunch believers out of them at adult stage. Those who are not strictly compliant in their daily lives try to over-compensate by professing insanely staunch support to the inherited Faith. It is however not so uncommon occurence to see one set of rules & rituals called a religion being replaced by another set of rules & rituals called another religion, by persuasive methods of offering material benefits, sense of protection and enhanced security, promise of a divine and utopian after-life etc.

    • Religion has a perpetual presence in our lives,be it in the form of kneeling to an unseen power or a powerful person,fire,statues or manifestations of nature.Human beings ,it seems,are by nature weak and religion(both in form of a set of beliefs and rituals) provides them the ultimate backup in case all else fails.For me religion is simply living the right way .Every religion focuses on same basic issues of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ of relationships and daily life dealings, reinforced by different rituals depending on part of the globe it is being practised.Praying in a mosque,church,temple,synagogue,kneeling to a statue of budha or various figurines, fire or nature, all translate into one human desire of being forgiven for sins and guidance for goodness, all from a supreme power.

      • I am a Buddhist.1. I have chosen this rgieilon because it suits me and my perspectives towards life and the world. I love all the teachings.2. I became a better person. I start to appreciate everyone around me and I love helping everyone around me. I don’t complain or get angry easily anymore. Everything works well for me in life or maybe I don’t complain about bad things happening anymore or maybe its my good karma haha ^_^3. I go temple everyday Sunday, volunteering to help out any activities carried out to propagate the Dharma.4. I think Buddhism has taken the right path by going social and modern instead of staying in the temple high up in the mountains. I also love how Buddhism isn’t aggressive at converting people at all.5. I guess this is basic human personalities. We do choose our rgieilon because we think it is superior. If we don’t think its superior, why do we choose it ?6. I would never change my rgieilon for others, but I can’t say so definitely because everything is impermanent and everything is always changing. Good luck in your paper ~ _/_

  17. Saadia’s question and now her comment invites an interesting clarification. Did she already knew the answer to her question or she got an answer from the remarks appearing here?


  18. I believe that when a person has too much knowledge or too little is bound to fall into the trap of being argumentative . If we do beleive in GOD which is our faith and day to day acceptance. Each religion has its own approach yet towards the creator of all.
    Negative forces have and will always give rise to our thoughts and believe. Whatever you feel or do just remember we came, conquered and left. This is the true reality

    I have a question regarding “Vulgarism and Other Errors of Speech.” It always bother me, why people use vulgar and indecent words in their speech when it has no pragmatic role? It is all over the world in every culture and in every society. Highly educated people have a vulgar explitive or a ‘F’ and ‘S’ word needlessly in speech which they will spit out whether sitting in the drawing rooms or in the company of family members. I was almost stunned when the Vice President excitedly said to President Obama that this ‘Fucking Bill of Health is finally approved.’ I would welcome opinions and views on this subject that, what is the psychology or mentality behind this linguistic phenomenon that people use vulgar language unnecessarily. There are no books or any article in my knowledge on this subject and if some one knows any reference, article, book and etc., please let me know.


  20. The use of “vulgar” expressions as figure of speech comes from the kind of upbringing, and social environment during formative years. In many circles such expletives are considered merely casual expressions. Members of Clergy will never utter those words even casually. Such expressions are not used on the floor of the House, as a matter of parliamentary ettiquette. Interestingly, members of the Parsi Community in pre-partition India were considered by the British as almost equal to the Britishers in the protocol. In many exclusive clubs, only Parsi Indians were allowed to enter such clubs through the front door like the Britishers, while even Nawabs and Rajas had to enter through the back door. Parsis, then and now, have had a common trait of using very foul language, punctuated with shameful expletives when they talked among themselves or with other Indians. Even fathers and sons talked to each other in that language regardless whether ladies or other seniors were in the company. “Kisi ki boli – kisi ki gaali “

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