The Religion of Atheism

The Religion of Atheism

by Matt Slick
Okay, so the title of this article is a bit provocative. But, I wanted to get your attention. You see, I got the idea for this article after attending the 33rd annual atheist convention in Seattle, Washington, in April of 2007. It was a very interesting experience, and I learned things I did not expect to learn. While sitting in the crowd and listening to speakers and watching the atheists’ reactions, it dawned on me how utterly religious they seemed to be. No, I’m not saying that they believe in a God, and I’m not saying atheism is a religion. But, they sure acted as though it were. Let me explain.
As I sat there watching, taking notes, and listening, I formulated a list that I think is accurate and representative of what I saw at the convention. Please take a look.
1. Creed
1. No God, anti-God, pro-homosexuality, anti-Christianity.
2. Atheism is a belief. I know that many atheists will disagree with this, but the atheists gathered around a common belief of no God or lack of God and the need to increase what they perceive as separation of church and state in America.
2. Crisis
1. Created a problem and offered a solution. The problem was religious oppression in society with atheistic ideals as the solution.
3. Assemblies
1. Gathered in groups with meeting times. Atheists don’t meet nearly as frequently as Christians do in their churches, but they do have state meetings, national meetings, and regular gatherings.
4. Pulpit
1. The lectern from which speeches were made, their ideas were promoted, and their reasons for their belief system were validated.
5. Evangelistic
1. The atheists sought converts to their cause. They frequently spoke about getting the idea of atheism out into society and to move people away from theism.
6. Celebration over converts
1. Rejoiced when converts to their belief system were announced. There was applause and excitement when there were announcements about people who had “come out of the closet” and announced their atheism.
7. Zealous for their cause
1. They wanted their cause and belief system expanded to the extent of changing America to reflect their thinking.
8. Exclusive
1. Only they have the truth. The atheists repeatedly spoke of how atheism was the truth and that theists and deists were ignorant of facts and reason.
9. Us against them mentality
1. There was a profound description of the division between atheism and theism with the atheists being the ones who were defending themselves against the intrusive theists.
10. Concerned about public image
1. This is normal. They were very concerned with how they were perceived and wanted to change their negative reputation.
11. Lack of critical thinking
1. This is common everywhere. Though they thought they were rational, by far most of the arguments and comments weren’t.
12. Misrepresentation of opposing views
1. Again, another common trait among people who gather in groups, have a common ideology, and see others as being less enlightened.
13. Voting block
1. The atheists mentioned voting as a group in order to progress their cause in society.
14. Infighting
1. This is normal for groups. We don’t all see eye to eye. But, they all held to atheism even though they had disagreements about some particulars.
15. Money
1. They didn’t have tithing, but there were plenty of things for sale. And, let’s not forget to mention how they sought donations to help cover the costs of promoting atheism, paying speakers, renting facilities, etc.
Now, I’m sure there are atheists who will debate a few of the issues listed. But, I am just rendering my opinion of what I saw.
I think it is rather ironic that those who are against religion so much are–in actuality–so religious themselves. I couldn’t help smiling and seeing the natural tendency of people to gather around an idea, develop a cause, and then promote it. Unfortunately, the atheists have gathered around non-belief and want that non-belief promoted in society. All I have to say is eternity is a long time to be wrong.

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